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“And establish prayer and give Zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves – you will find it with Allah.” (2:110, Qur’an)


Zakat, the giving of alms to the poor and needy, is one of the five pillars of Islam (the others are a declaration of faith, prayer, fasting in Ramadan and Hajj). It is obligatory upon every adult Muslim of sound mind and means.


The individual must own a specific amount of wealth or savings (after living costs, expenses etc). This is referred to as Nisaab and is the threshold at which Zakat becomes payable. The amount of Zakat to be paid is 2.5% of Nisaab.


“The alms are only for the Fuqara’ (the poor), and Al-Masakin (the needy) and those employed to collect (the funds); and to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islam); and to free the captives; and for those in debt; and for Allah’s Cause, and for the wayfarer (a traveler who is cut off from everything); a duty imposed by Allah. And Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise.” 

[Al-Quran 9:60]


“They ask you as to what they should spend. Say: Whatever wealth you spend, it is for the parents and the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, and whatever good you do, Allah surely knows it.” 

[Al-Quran 2:215]


“(Alms are) for the poor who are confined in the way of Allah– they cannot go about in the land; the ignorant man thinks them to be rich on account of (their) abstaining (from begging); you can recognize them by their mark; they do not beg from men importunately; and whatever good thing you spend, surely Allah knows it.”

[Al-Quran 2:273] 

As one of the pillars of Islam, zakat is a form of obligatory charity that has the potential to ease the suffering of millions. With the literal meaning of the word being ‘to cleanse,’ Muslims believe that paying zakat purifies, increases and blesses the remainder of their wealth.


“Whoever pays the zakat on his wealth will have its evil removed from him”

(Ibn Khuzaimah and at-Tabaraani)


Zakat is also a spiritual connection to one’s maker – to purify your wealth for the will of Allah (swt) is to acknowledge that everything we own belongs to Him, and it is for Him that we strive to end poverty and help our brothers and sisters.


According to the scholars of Islam, Zakat is 2.5% of the wealth that has been in one’s possession for a lunar year. If wealth amounts to less than a threshold figure, termed the nisab, then no zakat is payable. If wealth amounts to more than the nisab, zakat becomes obligatory.


“Of their goods, take Zakat, so that you might purify and sanctify them.” (9:103, Qur’an)


Australian Peace Organisation utilises zakat to help some of the world’s poorest and most destitute communities. Your donations bring joy to these people and brings hope that one day they will be able to give rather than receive zakat.


Purify your wealth: Donate Today!


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